mandag den 9. juli 2007

Last Day...

Well, we finally made it to the end of the festival. Sunday afternoon, and we returned to the camp to pack up our things and see a bit more music before starting our last shift. Looks like the festival folks removed most of the water from the area, and the hay / wood chips proved to be quite absorbant. Still muddy, but much less "swampy." Hurrah!
Less sloppy mud makes Kristin a happy girl.
Truck trails ease the walk through the camp site.
Back at the Orange Pavilion. S-squared pose for the camera.

The Muse rocks the crowd.
Everyone is a bit sleepy from last night's festivities, but still in good spirits. The sun really does wonders!!
This guy must have some great friends..
Ditte and Camilla show their appreciation for the sun!
Some random group of mustached chicks in exotic garb perform some sort of circle dance / sun worship thing during The Muse's set. (Also interpreted as Drunk Girls with Sharpies and too much time on their hands)...
Gotta love that sunshine!!

Our poor little camp. Compare with previous pictures from Day 1... what a difference a rainy week makes!!
Sun sets on Roskilde...
Anyone need a pair of used rubber boots?? Festival attendees leave their muddy gear behind before boarding the train bound for Copenhagen....
Basement Jaxx hits the stage. What an amazing set!!
Fireworks at midnight - Roskilde 2007 has officially ended! Our final shift begins...
So the 11pm-7am shift the last night of the festival proved to be quite eventful. Those fire extinguishers they'd made us wear while on our 2 prior shifts were of great use this night. Drunk boys, lighters and abandoned flammable items are not a good mix. We ended up putting out around 10 tent fires that night just between the two of us! Here's a shot of one tent fire that got a bit out of hand. Had to call in the real firefighters for this one...
The remnants of Roskilde 2007 - note the burning tent in the background. (A fire we'd just put out...)
Monday morning around 5am... so tired!

Are we done yet?
Good-bye Roskilde! Until next time... (maybe). ;)

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